Friday, December 11, 2009

Scrap Booking
In this project we were asked to bring pictures or ads to class to put together in a scrap book. I picked pictures from my high school experience. I chose a track picture, me and my friend Megan, an athletic banquet picture with a bunch of friends from high school, and a picture of me and Kayla on a vacation, where we are para sailing. We were given the choice of backgrounds and different stickers to use in our project. This could also be used in a classroom as a family project, where the class would bring pictures of themselves with their families, and then write a paragraph based on how their family has affected their lives.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Pastel Landscapes
This was a lesson based on different 1 persons prospective on a landscape. We were given a choice of different landscapes and asked to take it and design one based on the one we chose but put into our own prospective. We used oil pastels to shade and blend colors to create our landscape. We first practiced shading a ball by using a light source and then started on our project. We also learned that using blacks make shades darker. This could also be used in a language arts lesson by having students write a poem or story about something that happened in their landscape.

The Four Seasons Window
The four seasons window were created to show the four seasons we celebrate. Summer, fall, winter and Spring. Each pane of the window represents a different season. We were to use watercolors, crayons/markers, and colored pencils to create our designs. For winter we also used cotton balls and glitter to represent glitter. In fall we used cut up colored paper to represent the falling and dying leaves. In spring we used red paper to represent the buds growing into apples when summer comes. And in summer we used red paint with an Q-tip to dot on the tree to be full grown apples. This could be used in a science class to teach why the leaves turn different colors in the different seasons.

In this lesson we were asked to create a lesson using a specific Holiday design. We were given 2 4x8 Styrofoam cut outs. We were also given a clay tool to indent our Styrofoam to make our design. We were then to go to the printmaking station where we used printmaking ink and a blank piece of paper to create our card. You took the blank piece of paper and put the already inked Styrofoam designed piece and used a brayer to press the ink onto the blank piece of paper. This could also be used to make book covers, or in your design for sketchbooks.

Garden Stepping Stones
These stepping stones were made by using cake pans or whip cream containers and cement. We were asked to bring a picture or to use a design using beads and pressing them into the cement. I chose a picture of me and two of my friends from high school. We were asked to use as much creativity as possible when creating our design and using our photos or beads. This lesson could also be integrated in math by counting out the beads for younger kids, or literature and writing a story about your stepping stone and how you grew up and what made you what you are today.

Line, Shape, Form and Space
For this project we were to create a downtown perspective using vanishing points. We first started by creating a landscape. We then found the light source. We used rulers and the light source to create buildings using the vanishing point. We also added windows and doors. This lesson could also be used in another art class when asked why buildings seem to get smaller the farther they are from you. You could have the kids write a little story for why they think it may seem to be smaller.

Creating A Comic Strip
This projects objective was to use shading to create a comic strip. We were given a 12 x 8 sheet of paper and asked to fold it equally into 6 spots. We were then asked to brainstorm a creative plot of events. I came up with a tiger who wants more spots who finally realizes he is beautiful just the way he is because his mother tells him so! This could also be used with specific objectives assigned such as safari animals and teaching a geography lesson based on where safari animals come from.